2007年8月14日 星期二

Fisix Engine (2D physics engine for Flash)

今天看到的flash game,碰撞跟回饋的反應很順暢,是用一個2D的物理引擎fisix Engine寫的。以下是它的官方介紹...

The Fisix Engine is a 2D verlet physics engine for Flash. It is written completely in AS3 in order to make use of flash player 9 improved cpu capabilities. Although Flash is still slower than platforms such as c/c++, or java, which means that you most likely won be able to make the next Half-Life in flash, it doesn mean you can do really cool stuff with 2D particles, constraints, rigid bodies, etc. and make great looking games and simulations.

Fisix引擎是一個給flash使用的2D物理運算引擎,為了在Flash player 9 裡面執行且改善CPU的效能因此它完全用AS3(Action script 3?)編寫,雖然Flash的執行效率跟其他語言相比(如C++,JAVA)依然很慢...還是不要用我的破英文翻譯吧!直接看英文應該會好點...

flash game - BIKE

Fisix Engine官方連結